What is mHealth: The pros and cons


2 min read

We have mobile applications for everything, from regular communication to grocery shopping. And if you didn’t know this already, we have apps for healthcare too- mHealth applications.

mHealth technology makes healthcare accessible, even in remote locations. Patients are no longer deprived of quality care, and they do not need to wait in long queues for appointments or bill payments. mHealth solutions have simplified healthcare processes and care delivery. For these reasons, the global market for mHealth apps will reach $236 billion by 2026. The mHealth sector is growing exponentially, with an annual growth rate of about 45%.

Pros and Cons of mHealth technology

mHealth is becoming popular with more and more healthcare institutions integrating it for enhanced patient satisfaction. There is no doubt that a mobile healthcare solutions offers several advantages, but like any technology, it has its shortcomings. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of mHealth solutions.

Pro: There is a mHealth app for various care needs

Several mobile health app developers are coming up to meet the increasing demand among the population. You can find different mHealth apps for different care needs, from fitness tracker apps to yoga, nutrition, mental wellness, and so on. Some reports indicate that more than 300,000 mobile health apps are available today, offering flexibility and choice to the user

Con: Quantity may not mean quality

Users can find thousands of apps in the mHealth software market, but that doesn’t mean all are helpful. Some apps may do little to assist with care delivery and patient engagement. mHealth providers may remain unaware of whether their application served useful to the audience.